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What is the origin of the term "Black Friday"?
In the United States the Thanksgiving holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November, so, on the following Friday, many people who have traveled to celebrate with their relatives far away, go back to their cities.
Thus, the Friday after Thanksgiving was nicknamed by the Philadelphia cops as Black Friday because, on that day, due to the heavy traffic of pedestrians and vehicles, the most varied types of occurrences are registered. Muggins, car crashes, traffic jams, etc.
Why do retailers offer special bargains on Black Friday?
Thanksgiving is a holiday as or more important than Christmas for the American people.
Immediately after celebrating Thanksgiving, they start thinking about preparing their Christmas.
This way, Black Friday sales is the kick-off for the Christmas season.
So, according to the North American calendar, the Saturday following Black Friday is the day to climb the closet and look for the boxes with the Christmas lights and decoration.
mugging - um assalto na rua no qual o assaltante ameaça a vítima com uma arma.
thus - assim
kick-off - pontapé inicial
Prof. Walmir Bastos
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